
Personal Learning Dashboard (Beta)

Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute
Graduate attribute

Graduate Attributes

Learn More

Individual Skills

Graduate attribute

Creative thinking

Graduate attribute

Problem Solving

Graduate attribute

Practical/Professional Skills

Team Skills

Graduate attribute

Communication Skills

Graduate attribute


Graduate attribute

Community Engagement

Graduate attribute


Graduate attribute

Learn How to Learn

Graduate attribute

Skills to apply digital & technology solutions

Graduate attribute

Critical Thinking

Advanced Skills

Graduate attribute

Autonomy And Responsibility

Graduate attribute


Graduate attribute

Value inculcation

Graduate attribute

Multicultural Competence

Cultural Skills

Short Bio

Still waiting for this

Learning Activity

0 contributions in the last year


Pull Request


  • pr_collaborated
    Production Release; Mar Week 5
    March 31, 2023 at 6:44:22 PM
  • merged a pull request on coronasafe/care_fe
  • Shared a comment on a pull request in coronasafe/care_fe on March 23, 2023 at 3:52:56 PM

    Hi, Feedback noted - I got carried away trying to get rid of the ESLINT error, but I understand that it wasn't in scope. I've made the change to the spinner and it's no longer changing in size.


  • Shared a comment on a pull request in coronasafe/care_fe on March 22, 2023 at 6:53:39 PM

    @rithviknishad and @ayushjnv1 : I've made the changes as requested. <img width="898" alt="Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 2 51 05 PM" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/109168765/227007700-c34aebbe-6429-4538-8439-e4ef450639d3.png"> - [ ] Renamed file since we don't follow .Components.tsx file naming formats. - [ ] Added const { t } = useTranslations(); and wrapped as mentioned. I added three relevant strings to the en locale files in en/Common.json. - [ ] Added <CircularProgress/> inside the "Add" button. It replaces the "Add" instead of appearing beside it because IMO it looks better - otherwise the button grows and shrinks when the spinner appears/disappears. - [ ] CircularProgress was added instead of null


  • Shared a comment on a pull request in coronasafe/care_fe on March 21, 2023 at 3:38:39 PM

    Working on this!


  • opened a pull request on coronasafe/care_fe
    Add loading spinner beside add buttonMarch 18, 2023 at 5:10:56 PM
  • Shared a comment on an issue in coronasafe/care_fe on March 17, 2023 at 2:31:37 PM

    Hi, can you please assign this to me? I'd like to work on it!


More to come in the coming days...!